These are the good old days
For activists and non-activists who object to injustice, these are the good old days. The beauty of it all — they who would shut down worldwide protests against murderous cops can’t figure out who to target or buy off. When the people lead, the people win. [caption id="attachment_15692" align="alignleft" width="300"] Detroiters protested police killings at the annual Noel Night celebration in the Cultural Center, Dec. 6.SAM RIDDLE PHOTO[/caption] Every street or highway blocked, every die-in, every shopping disruption, helps stop killer cops. Yes, Black lives matter to more than Black people, seems a few white folk are upset too. The America of hope and fulfillment is working as a growing number of whites participate in these acts of civil disobedience in a manner that shows us America can be all that she holds herself out to be in a world that tolerates the infliction of drone democracy that is but a high-tech chokehold. So many spontaneous demonstrations are springing up to protest the killing of unarmed Blacks that neophyte activists are suffering premature burnout trying not to miss an opportunity to declare their opposition to the inhumane killing. A word to this new generation of freedom fighters: You matter. Be effective, budget your time, you can’t be everywhere all the time. Saving the world is a full-time job. Street leadership does not call press conferences, nor should it allow itself to be co-opted by those professional activists who suffer from media intoxication. The professional agitator class got too sophisticated to keep up with the unbridled passion running deep on the streets of America, indeed worldwide. Now many of these handkerchief-heads are compelled to “provide leadership” to the people who have taken to the streets to protest nonviolently. If you were a real leader, you wouldn’t be shocked by the actions of people you don’t know and can’t control. Leave the people alone. You folk would over direct, screwing up a great Detroit Noel Night as the people sing out caroling for justice. What a difference a new generation of athletes can make. Contrast LeBron James with Michael Jordan or Charles Barkley. The simple raising of hands by football gladiators or basketball millionaires that don an “I can’t breathe” shirt is passive resistance and advocacy for equal valuation of human life. Sorry, it just makes me feel good knowing the “me” generation gives a damn. Why is everyone in shock over the CIA torture chambers overseas? If an Oakland County prosecutor or New York grand jury can tolerate the public torture on video of McKenzie Cochran or Eric Garner it should be clear that America does torture with impunity given that lynchings and castration are also embedded in the American treatment of Blacks. Hmmm, Oxygen Network’s Detroit Preachers will get funding from the Michigan Film Incentives program. When the dollars flow, it’s show time ... just like Sunday — IJS. We must never let haters cause us to lose hope or dislike ourselves and never let haters make you weak in your faith. Keep the faith. Stay on the battlefield. Sam Riddle, J.D. is political director of the National Action Network-Michigan. Follow him on Facebook at or Twitter at